Friday, April 25, 2014

Yurok Nation to Release Condors into Redwood Forests

Wonderful. Prayers that these magnificent flyers are released into the Redwood Forests of the Yurok Nation soon.
We were blessed to see many of the surviving Condors in 2006 when our son Raoul, daughter Liesette and I drove with Janeen Antoine down the Pacific Coast Highway to LA. Janeen spotted them as we were at the top of Big Sur and several were soaring from the high cliffs down to the waters below north of Monterrey Beach. We pulled over to watch them. It was so cool because we could see the underneath of them really close as they swooped down, and, then see the tops of their feathered bodies as they got lower. They were huge with amazing wing spans. I can't remember exactly how many we counted, but there were lots, maybe more than a dozen. 
They were all clearly tagged, and I learned later were part of one of the release programs in So Cal. 
Good thing we took lots of photos. When I shared them, an old friend who grew up in Hollywood told me they couldn't be Condors since there weren't any in California and they were almost extinct. 
Well, both Janeen, and I have seen plenty of Eagles from up close and far away, and these were definitely a lot bigger and were Condors. Feel so blessed by this experience we shared, and deeply grateful, since I know how rare and precious it is. 
That rarity is heartbreaking. The Yurok story of having to get permission from the U.S. Government to release Condors back into their nation after they decide if the environment can support them is painful when it is the actions of the U.S. and their refusal to keep poisons out of the environment that has caused the near extinction of these magnificent birds. Prayers that the return of the big birds will signal a paradigm shift back to protecting and respecting the earth, air and water that we all share.
It is the time of the Eagle and the Condor. We are blessed.
Yurok Tribe to Release Condors

Monday, April 7, 2014

Good Morning from the Heart of the Mountain on April 7, 2014

Good Morning, my Relatives. It is a good day. The health and balance of the earth, sky and water that are our home are threatened everywhere by destruction and pollution by multinational corporations for greed and profit and by our lifestyles of overconsumption that are out of balance. Please remember that we have only one earth and do whatever you can to stop this madness and begin to walk in balance and respect on our Earth Mother so all can live in a good way. Resist and oppose corporate greed, fossil fuel extraction and the polluting pipelines. Thank you. 

Sun emerges above the Mountain.



Due East

Due South

Sunlit Hills and the Galisteo Basin with the Manzano and Sandia Mountains in the distance.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Good Morning from the Heart of the Mountain on April 4, 2014

Good Morning, all my Relations. It is a good day. Was blessed to see the Milky Way before Dawn this morning. Sent up sweetgrass, cedar and sage smoke and prayers for each of you, and, for all who are crossing over the Milky Way now to the north, and for the babies who are coming to us from the south. Prayers and good thoughts for them on their journeys, and, for their families and loved ones who are bidding them farewell and welcoming the newborns. The Morning Star rose above the Mountain at Sunrise reminding us all that love is the vibrating energy that connects and uplifts us all. We are all related. Please care for each other and share love, light, compassion and kindness with those you meet on your life path, today, and always. Love you all, no exceptions.


Due East


Morning Star Over the Mountain at Sunrise


Due East
