Monday, February 26, 2007

Congress Must Defend the Constitution and Impeach Bush

It's time U.S. Senators and Congressessional Representatives stop being partisan and honor their oath to protect the Constitution by demanding the impeachment of President Bush and his administration for their crimes against America.Despite decades of honorable service, history will indict them for supporting these criminals who lied to Congress to provoke war and ordered warrantless wiretapping, torture and illegal detentions.How will they answer the children of New Mexico, America and the world when they ask why our Representatives did nothing to stop the torture, spying and killing in our name with our tax money?President Bush says he is a Christian but Jesus preached against everything he does. The President talks about a Culture of Life, but he has brought death, destruction, and shame to America throughout the world.When can we count on the integrity of our U.S. Representatives to stand up for America?I hope it is today.Charleen

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