Thursday, March 27, 2008

Drinking Daddy

Drinking Daddy, originally uploaded by artist_charleentouchette.

Painting shows a child's view of a drinking daddy. The art is from IT STOPS WITH ME: MEMOIR OF A CANUCK GIRL, and award-winning, critically acclaimed memoir by American Artist Charleen Touchette.
Touchette writes, "The damage child abuse and domestic violence cause is incalculable. But it is still a dirty secret worldwide. People often blame and punnish the abused child if they dare speak out. When I wrote my memoir, IT STOPS WITH ME, it was banned at my hometown library for 3 months and Bard College President Leon Botstein wrote my book "does not deserve First Ammendment Protection." Stand up against child abuse and protect children."
I have just read and signed the petition: "Ensure Children Have Safe and Healthy Homes"
Please visit the site and sign too.

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