Friday, June 13, 2008


Teaching the impartial practice of compassion is central to work for reconciliation to achieve peace with justice worldwide. CHANGE OF HEART - THE BODHISATTVA PEACE TRAINING of CHAGDUD TULKU is an excellent teaching about the essential practice of compassion, not only for the victims of injustice, but also for the perpertrators whose choice to do violence creates karma for which they must atone through many lifetimes. After I wrote and published my memoir IT STOPS WITH ME: MEMOIR OF A CANNUCK GIRL, whose concluding chapters include "Pardon" a prayer of forgiveness to my father and relations, a good friend gave me CHANGE OF HEART. Reading this book broadened my understanding of the path my own wounding and healing had set me upon. As a child growing up amid anger and violence, two people, my maternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather, loved me unconditionally. Their love made me know I was worth something and propelled me to struggle to survive and build a better life. Every child needs at least one person who loves them unconditionally. Children are resilient and can overcome almost any adversity if they know the experience of unconditional love from another human being. Give unconditional love freely to people you encounter and especially children. Your love could make all the difference in the world to a child. The core to compassion is unconditional love. One Earth. One Heart. One Love. It sounds trite. But it is the universal truth. God is Love. God is One. Once we realize, we are all related, as the Lakotah pray, we see the practice of loving compassion is the most powerful force for peace with justice. John Lennon, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Karuna Mayi, Rev. Desmond Tutu, Amma all told us to love.

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