Friday, July 11, 2008

Democracy Now! | July 10, 2008 Streampage

Democracy Now! | July 10, 2008 Streampage

Watched A.I.M. co-founder Dennis Banks interviewed on Democracy Now about the Second Longest Walk that has arrived in Washington, D.C. Wish I was there with them.
You can see the interview Amy Goodman did with Dennis at this link.

Hope Americans heard Dennis Banks talk about the serious struggles across Indian Country and realize that the current way of living is not working and it's costing people's lives and health.

I was glad Dennis mentioned the Dine (Navajo) struggle to enforce their uranium mining ban, so Americans understand that nuclear energy is not clean nor safe.

What if people contacted their Congressional representatives and tell them you want them to listen to the Indians who've walked across America to bring a message to honor the earth?
Map to Find your Congress person
List of Senators

Wishing you all, as, Coretta Scott King wrote, "a life
of purposeful fulfillment."
When you think about it, purposeful fulfillment is what
brings joy.
Peace, Pax, Shalom, Salaam, Skenon,
Charleen Touchette

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