Saturday, June 6, 2009

Call Back the Bees

Call Back the Bees
Photos, Art and Writing by Charleen Touchette 2009

"Calling the Bees" art by Charleen Touchette 2009

Photos of Bees by Charleen Touchette 2009
Disappearing Bees on Current TV
"Where have all the bees gone? Hives all over the UK are emptying of bees. One theory is that mobile phone signals are affecting their ability to find their way home. Einstein said that 4 years after the bees die, humans will die. This pod investigates this phenomenon and Einstein's prediction. "
Actually, there is no proof that Einstein actually said the often erroneously attributed quotation about bees, but even if he didn't say it, it is true that human life depends upon the survival of bees that pollinate important plants in the food cycle.
See the pod at this link at Current.TV -

Bees at TouchArt ltd in the mountains in Santa Fe, New Mexico in June 2009.
Scientists think there's a new virus or parasite causing collapsed hive syndrome.

Some think cell phone towers emissions may be the cause.
Others blame the unnatural conditions corporate farming inflicts on bees when they are transported hundreds of miles to pollinate commercial fields.

Whatever the cause, the death of the bees is alarming.
Bees disappearing is like the canary in the mine dying.
We need to pay attention.
We share ONE EARTH. Think About It.
What if each day, each person did ONE thing to heal the earth?
What if each day, each person stopped doing ONE thing that hurts the earth?
ONE x Billions - do the math.
Consume less, Recycle, Regift, Reuse, Conserve.
Or more simply, try one step at a time to lighten your footprint on the earth.

We reduced our water use by 75% last year by implementing many little changes.
Every little change helps heal the air, water and earth.
by Charleen Touchette - TouchArt ltd in Santa Fe, New Mexico

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