Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Make Everyday Earth Day - Be grateful the Earth Does

The Earth is our home and our mother. She gives us everything we need to live.

This prayer heard often in the Inipi ceremony is simple truth.

I worked outside today preparing the earth digging, making swales and weeding. With my hands in the still moist earth from the most recent spring mountain snowstorm, I was reminded that everyday is Earth Day. It's a good thing the Earth knows that. Despite all the foolish, greedy and destructive things people do, the Earth prevails and spring plants push out of the earth, fruit trees leaf out and fish come out of their winter hibernation as sure as day follows night.

When our grandparents were hungry, they planted seeds and ate fresh food from their kitchen gardens. We can do the same.

With small changes in conserving water, we cut our water consumption by 2/3 this year.

Remembered how our friend Sara Vigil from Jemez Pueblo who lives in Dulce, New Mexico told me she tells her friends "The pinons are calling me."

Found some fat pinon nuts on the forest floor moist with the recent snow. Munched on them and shared them with the new puppy Taj. Grabbed some chives green and fresh first spring growth and chewed on chives I shared with Kiko our 210 pound English Mastiff. Re-entered our home at dusk with the taste of pinons and chives blending in my mouth, the perfect taste of spring.

Will be planting the lettuce and spinach in tall pots this year to avoid tempting the new English Mastiff puppy Taj. The New Moon is April 24th, a time for planting, starting new projects and setting intention.

Hope you will consider planting a seed, a plant or a tree in honor of Earth Day and try to take small steps to conserve, reuse and recycle to honor the Earth and all our relations.

by Charleen Touchette April 22, 2009

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