Thursday, April 23, 2009

What We Do to the Earth

What We Do to the Earth

What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves and our children and our children's children and all our relations to the Seventh Generation.
Think about it. Choose natural renewable products that don't damage the earth, sky and water in production, distribution and use.
When you hear Clorox advertise its "Green" Cleaning Products, don't buy it or them.
Substitute toxic cleaners with vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and olive or jojoba oil. You'll get cleaning power, antiseptic, anti-fungal protection and cleaner air and water and spend lots less. Re-use the vinegar gallon bottles for pet water and food servers, scoops for pet poop, watering jugs for plants, bottle walls and plenty of creative projects.
You can even save some bottles and make your own vinegar with a vinegar starter from the health food store.
Add ¼ cup white vinegar and a few drops biodegradable dish soap to a spray bottle of water for sparkling clean windows and mirrors.
Save read newspapers to wipe windows clean. Old newspapers are also great for starting fireplace fires and mulching in the garden, and of course for picking up puppy messes.
Soap on a washcloth is the best way to clean bath oil and scum from the ring around the tub. Works better than toxic de-scummers for shower glass too.
The plastic net bags produce comes in make great scours. Just bunch them into a ball and fasten with a rubber band. Good for tough hard water stains on glass and shower when loaded with natural bar soap.
The Earth is our mother. She gives us everything we need to live.
Honor and care for earth, air and water and respect our home.
One Earth. Think About It/Act Like It.
Charleen Touchette
Photos by Charleen Touchette 2009

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