Tuesday, May 5, 2009

IAIA Today

story and photos by Charleen Touchette

IAIA Professor Charlene Teters critiques in Painting Class

Audience included IAIA Foundation Director Susan Crowe (center) and Marita Hinds (on left).
Susan Crowe center

IAIA President Bob Martin announces re-naming.

Sculpture by John Hoover
View of Mountains from road to IAIA.
"IAIA Today"
Photos and story by Charleen Touchette
for Mixed Blood Radio Archives
May 5, 2009
Santa Fe, New Mexico
IAIA Re-Naming Reception
Bob Martin - President IAIA
Loren Kieve- IAIA Board President
In audience -Marita Hinds - IAIA Foundation , Susan Crowe - IAIA Foundation, Chad Gaspar - IAIA Foundation and Ramus Suina - Center for Lifelong Education
IAIA Reception
Drove out to the new IAIA Campus out past Santa Fe Community College on Avan Nu Po Road this morning. The well-attended reception was to announce the re-naming of the 47-year-old institute to IAIA Institute of American Indian Arts - College of Contemporary Native Arts, Museum of Contemporary Native Arts and Center for Lifelong Education. Emphasizing the IAIA commitment to "honoring our past, embracing our future" IAIA President Bob Martin explained how the name change was consistent with the institute's founding mission to promote Contemporary Native Arts through the College, the Museum and the Center for Lifelong Learning. IAIA Board President Loren Kieve and IAIA College of Contemporary Native Arts Dean Dr. Ann Filemyr, and Hayes Lewis Director of the Center for Lifelong Learning spoke to a diverse audience of IAIA staff, instructors, students and longtime supporters.
Bronze Sculpture by John Hoover at entrance to Library Technology Center and Dance Circle and new IAIA Library
Buffalo Sculpture by Alan Houser
Student Mural 2001
The Academic Building Art Studios has lots of student art exhibited in the halls including some proficient and interesting work
Dropped in on Char Teters' painting class where Char was conducting critiques - intriquing small paintings by three students.
Stopped by the Primitive Edge Gallery, which now occupies the space where the library and the room I taught Native Art History II in 2001.
The new library by the Auditorium in IAIA's Library Technology Center is spacious and full of great books and documention on ndn art.
The IAIA Campus is surrounded by views of mountains in all four directions and is a beautiful spiral drive that provides vistas of the Jemez, Ortiz, Sandia and Sangre de Cristos Mountains.
Coffee with Char at Lucky Bean, a cozy wireless cafe close to the IAIA Campus at Rancho Viejo. Santa Fe Community College is just up the road from the IAIA Campus. Caught up with Char and news about her family and new grandbaby Monika who just arrived with her parents in Santa Fe for a visit with her G-Mom and G-Dad Don Messeck. Char is grinning ear to ear and plans an Honor Dance for little Monika at this Saturday's May 9th Spring Pow Wow at IAIA Campus.
Tomorrow night, Wednesday May 6th, Santee Frazier, other recent IAIA Graduates and 2009 Graduates will host a booksigning or their recent publications. Check out the work by students of IAIA's renown Creative Writing Program.
Winona LaDuke will speak at IAIA Graduation Ceremonies next Friday morning, May 14th. Graduation, which is always inspiring is followed by a feast for graduates and families.
Support IAIA and Santa Fe Community students while in Santa Fe and once many return to their reservations and home communities.
A good time for IAIA Alum to return to New Mexico is the 3rd weekend in August or the annual Santa Fe Indian Market. Apply to Indian Market for an entry fee of $360 or sometimes the most innovative IAIA alum artists show in the IAIA Museum Courtyard where the fee is less. You can also donate a piece to be in the IAIA Indian Market Alumni Exhibit and Auction at the IAIA Museum. Marita Hinds at IAIA Foundation is the person to contact.
IAIA President Bob Martin pledges to continue outreach to IAIA Alumni in reservations and home communities far from Santa Fe's Indian Art Market. Contact IAIA Alumni services for support and information on programs for alum. Tribal communities and colleges interested in creating American Indian and Alaskan Native Art Markets in their communities can seek assistance in planning and implementation through IAIA. http://www.iaia.edu/
Charleen Touchette
Mixed Blood Radio Archives
Photos and story by Charleen Touchette for Mixed Blood Radio Archives 2009

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