Friday, May 1, 2009

Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit announces "Anchorage Declaration on Climate Change"

TouchArt's friend Agnes Faye shared this news of the Anchorage Declaration of the Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change.

Photo "Sangre de Cristos" by Charleen Touchette 2009
[From Victoria Tauli-Corpuz –]
Dear Everybody,Please find attached [latest version pasted below, not attached] the Anchorage Declaration of the Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change which took place in Anchorage, Alaska from 20-24 April 2009. Please disseminate it as widely as you can and put it in your websites.It was not easy to come up with the Declaration, but indigenous peoples demonstrated that they are able to come up with a consensus document by finally agreeing to this Statement before the Denaina Convention Centre in Anchorage closed the conference room.I hope the Asian indigenous peoples who took part, around 40 persons (including those from Central Asia) did find this Summit meaningful and will use the Declaration as a guide for the work you do at the local, national and global levels. As the focal person for Asia in the Global Steering Committee for this Summit. I would like to thank all the Asian colleagues and all the others who have actively participated to make the Summit a success.I also would like to thank the Christensen Fund and the Oak Foundation, IFAD, IWGIA and all others who provided support for this Summit.Warm regards,Vicky
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
Chair, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Executive Director, Tebtebba
Convenor, Asia Indigenous Women's Network
1 Roman Ayson Road, Baguio City, Philippines, 2600
Telephone: 63-74-4447703
Fax: 63-74-4439459
mobile: 63-9175317811
As posted at :

Download the Declaration as a pdf...

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