Monday, March 3, 2014

Marking the End of Each Day with Gratitude

Sunset Over the Mountains by Charleen Touchette
from "365 DUSKS"
Ending each day with gratitude is a daily practice that helps to keep us in harmony with the beautiful earth and sky that are our home. The simple act of watching the Sunset with humility gives an opportunity to feel the awe and gratitude for all that makes our life possible. The practice of stopping to honor the sunset is ancient and common to all cultures worldwide at some point in time. Some world religions continue this today, and traditional indigenous people like the Dine have continued it into this 21st century. Modern "civilizations" have abandoned the honoring of the movements of the Sun and mischaracterized the watching of the movements of the Sun as Sun worship. Modernity claims to be superior by adopting life ways that act as if human beings are separate and able to ignore the workings of the universe. But, the modern lifestyles have not led to happiness and health. The ancients knew that life ways that acknowledged our sacred connection to the movements and cycles of nature were healthier and more sustainable. The things they knew and taught our grandparents, are still essential for living a good life. Try taking a moment to say goodbye and thank you to the Sun as it sets tonight. If you continue to do this over the weeks and months, you will find it may help you feel grounded and connected and more alive.

 Sunset and New Moon Setting over Mountains on March 3, 2014
Photos by Charleen Touchette

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