Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Working Outside - Good for the Body and the Heart

Fun morning working outside on the mountain clearing the drainage ditches on the dirt road. Good workout and wonderful being in the sunshine, hearing the songbirds and the flapping of the ravens soaring across the sky overhead. The earth is so beautiful and being in good relationship with her is very nourishing and healing. Digging and raking gets me in good shape without going to the gym. My husband calls me his French Canadian back hoe, hehe.
I find it sad that some people think they are better than others and so-called civilized because they hire others to do physical work while looking down on them. If they were really intelligent, they would know that the joy and good health that comes from physical work and creating something with your own hands and heart are priceless.
It could save these deluded folks lots of money in gym memberships, doctor bills and protect their bodies from the ill effects of pharmaceutical mood-alterers if they would just realize that what is missing from their lives is a close loving relationship with the earth and a right relationship with work and others.
It is clear that being rich does not make people happy, yet they are too foolish to see the truth.
Turn walking the dog into an opportunity to connect with the earth and sky, and the birds, animals, plants, trees and other beings with whom we share our home. Watch how the trees and plants reach to the sun and thrive with new growth after a rain or snow storm. Think about caring for them as you walk, clearing a well to gather water at their roots, or prune dead wood to make room for new growth, or gather dry seed pods and spread around and sow them as you walk. You will be amazed how your small acts of kindness result in a healthier ecosystem. And, please do this everywhere, not just on land you happen to own. We all belong to the earth. But, only we can form a deep loving relationship with the earth by our actions and loving thoughts.
Try doing something creative or productive today, even for an hour or two. Walk outside and notice the earth and sky in all directions, and see that you are an intrinsic part of a constantly changing, vibrating, alive universe. Think energy, frequency and vibration, and connect your own to the high frequency of the cosmos.
Dirt roads are shaped with a crown in the middle so water drains off to the drainage ditches on either side.

I grew this chamisa hedge just by scattering the pruned tops of chamisa with dried seeds along the roadside on our hikes over the years. It has helped to stop the erosion from the road from continuing down the hill to our neighbors' land.

I have been working for some time to redig the ditch on the left after other neighbors' construction to the northeast covered it up and the road washed out below. 

 The ditch on the left carries rainwater from the hill above to keep it from the road. I cleared the ditch on the right and raked the earth back up onto the road and will be reforming the slant down to the right to drain the water off the road and have filled up the dips in the roadway caused by the water. On a curve and incline like this the entire roadway is tilted towards the main drainage ditch.
The view of the Mountain makes doing the roadwork a work of love and joy.

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