Saturday, April 26, 2008

Making Decisions for the 7th Generation

Since I was a girl, I heard people like Oren Lyons and other indigenous leaders and teachers talk about how we have to make decisions for the 7th generation. As you'll hear from Oren Lyons in a video below, making decisions for the 7th generation is "not just a casual term, that's a real instruction for survival."

So what can we as mothers, fathers and young adults do to make our live more in sync with that instruction for survival to make decisions for the 7th generation?

One thing is to conserve, reuse, recycle and reinvent.

The videos and words below show some exciting ways regular people make a difference and contribute to the solution.

Enjoy and have a great earth day every day.

Charleen Touchette

Winona LaDuke in Shiprock on Global Warming, part 2

Winona LaDuke says "We do not need another 2 billion dollar coal fired power plant." and "Stop corporate welfare. Don't give tax breaks to corporations to pollute our air, take our water and destroy our future." May 2007.

How mercury kills the brain.

Jenny McCarthy talks about the link between mercury exposure and autism.

Scientist explains connection between Mercury and Autism and Neurological Diseases

There has been a criminal disregard for public safety in the widespread exposure of the population to mercury from thimerasol in vaccines and emissions from coal-fired electric plants. reports that "Attorneys General from nine states have filed a lawsuit challenging a new federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule that they allege fails to protect the public from harmful mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants, which they say pose a grave threat to the health of children."

Hear another talk from Oren Lyons, Onondaga Faithkeeper and Chief speak about the mandates for life. "We are now placing in your hands all life. And it is your responsibility and your duty to care for all life."

Thanks for viewing this blog from TouchArt.
"The Earth is our Mother. We need to treat her and all mothers better.

This video shows a solution to recycling glass and plastic bottles to make warm earth friendly homes for mothers and families in Bolivia.

Charleen Touchette at and Mixed Blood Radio Archives has a dream for every community to start collection centers for bottles, cans and tires and build homes for families below the poverty line in our urban cities, rural towns, and Indian reservations. You can also build homes with used tires. Check out Earthships in Taos, New Mexico too.

To power these homes for America's 38 million poor, let's call on genuis Dean Kamen, inventer of the Sedgeway, who has brought the 18th century Stirling Engine up with 21st century innovation to create an engine that can create electricity and purify water for our communities that still don't have potable water. Kamen is working to get these generators to those who need them in Africa. Ask him to get them to our rural, Spanish Land Grant, Pueblo, Apache, and Navajo Indians in the Four Corners.

Pollution in the Four Corners coming from coal fired electric plants cause deterioration of the ancestor Pueblo ruins and the wall art by the people who began civilization here in America in Canyon de Chelly.

Do a new thing today to reduce your use of coal-powered electricity.
ONE EARTH - Think About It/Act Like It.

Today's Earth Day message from your friends at and OneEarthBlog.

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