Monday, April 28, 2008

Mission, South Dakota

Good Morning,
Brenda Norrell long time indigenous rights activist writes in her Censored News blog news of the Lakotah protest of a corporate hog farm breaking ground on tribal land.

Illegal South Dakota state police occupation continues on Yankton Indian Land

Incoming messages from Yankton protest:

"I am Oitancan Zephier, a former police officer of the Yankton Sioux Tribe, combat veteran of Afghanistan and a father. Last week I quit my job when the protests started over the building of a hog farm by a corporation on private land surrounded by tribal lands. I quit because the Bureau of Indian Affairs will not help us. They stand and watch us get tossed in jail. The filth of the pigs will effect every part of our Indian people here.
There is a headstart school 2 miles away from the hog farm. There is a kindergarten through 12th grade school 4 miles away. There is a day care a couple miles away from the site. It is a prejudice act granted by the state of South Dakota to these pig farm owners. We need your help. If this is completed they will assume jurisdiction of all that surrounds them. The already began taking our tribal road, which we have intensely fought for 2 weeks now.
I have been thrown in jail while on our Indian land by a state officer. That is wrong!
I am begging you for your help. If you can, please publish the cry for help below in any way you can.
Contact me if you can help; or please forward this on to anyone who can help us."

Another censored news item from Brenda Norrell.
Brought to you from and One Earth Blog because it's always been Earth Day every day in indigenous America.

Here are more links about the hog farm protest by Lakotahs.
Great pics of the excavation for hog farm and Lakotah protesters at this link -

More here -
And here -

Note how this protest relates to global warming and green house gases, since corporate meat production results in the biggest contribution of methane gas to the atmosphere.

Have a great Earth Day every day and consider eating organic farm raised pork if you have to eat meat.
Peace, Pax, Shalom, Salaam, Skenon,
Charleen Touchette

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