Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This Is War

This Is War, originally uploaded by artist_charleentouchette.

Hope this gets to Senator Hillary Clinton. I've posted this challenge to Senators Hilton and Obama on current.tv earlier this evening.
I'm supporting Hillary for President because I believe she is a dedicated public servant who loves the best of what America is and can be and will lead our country to real change.
So, I'm sending Hillary the challenge first.

Senator Clinton, it should be obvious by the polls that Americans have had enough of business as usual at the White House and at Congress. So I'm proposing that you stop waiting to be elected President and start acting presidential by leading the Senate to impeach Bush and Cheney and crew and stop the war now.

"Every day, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's campaigns for President are spending money to convince Americans they should be president and they'll change things then.
Well, they are both Senators now.
I challenge Senator Clinton and Senator Obama to go into the Senate and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to go into Congress tomorrow and begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush and Vice-President Cheney and begin the first steps to end this illegal war, stop legalizing torture, bring our soldiers home and start healing the nation tomorrow. We can't wait another day.
They want to lead America. Let's tell them to start leading right now before another person dies."

I know it's a long shot, but if Senator Clinton decides to exercise such powerful leadership and do what a large majority of Americans want right away, I think she'll easily win the remaining primaries and win over a majority of the super-delegates to win the nomination.

I hope she does, because America needs a president who has proven her commitment to women, families and children.

Peace, Pax, Shalom, Salaam, Skenon,
Charleen Touchette

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